What you need to know about hosting families

Thoughtfully prepare your space and update your listing to widen your audience.
By Airbnb on Jul 21, 2020
4-min read
Updated Jul 21, 2023


  • Preparing your space for families can help increase bookings

  • Update your listing to mention that your space is family-friendly, and include photos

    • Include amenities like a portable crib and high chair

    • Learn what Airbnb support is available if there's an issue

    With many offices, schools, and daycare centres closed around the world, parents now have more flexibility with where they live and work. Many are interested in travelling more often—even temporarily relocating their families—to places with more space and access to the outdoors.

    While catering to children might not be safe in some spaces, here’s what you should know if you are open to welcoming them into your space.

    It pays off to plan ahead for hosting families

    If you’re unsure about welcoming guests with children into your space, there are a number of steps you can take to feel more at ease.

    Communicate in advance about what is—and isn’t available—in your space.

    Help parents pack accordingly by detailing all the family-friendly amenities you already have on hand. Your guidebook can also include recommendations for where to pick up or replenish supplies.

    To help you transition to hosting families, here’s how you can prepare your space over time:

    • Opt for sturdy and safe furniture, and avoid glass, if possible
    • Make cleanup easier by avoiding clutter and unnecessary decorations
    • Move breakables and sharp objects out of a child’s reach
    • Prevent broken dishes by stocking your kitchen with reusable plastic cups and plates
    • Consider adding latches to cabinets and protective covers to power outlets
    • Choose durable, easy-to-clean fabrics, like the materials used for outdoor pillows
    • Cover hardwood floors with washable rugs

    Take basic safety precautions to help protect your guests and your home.

    • Help put everyone’s mind at ease by installing a smoke and carbon monoxide alarm and fire extinguisher near the kitchen cooktop
    • Remember to check off these amenities on your listing, and don’t forget to regularly replace batteries
    • Include local emergency numbers in your house manual and on a quick reference card for guests

    Consider requiring a cleaning fee.
    Many Hosts include a cleaning fee to offset the cost of supplies or a professional cleaning service. Here's more on how to charge a cleaning fee if you don't already have one.

      Know what to do if there’s an issue.
      No matter how prepared you are, accidents may still happen—but there are a few ways you can help protect yourself when hosting on Airbnb.

      If you’re interested in attracting travellers with families, thoughtful touches can help you stand out as the ideal Host. To make their stay feel more like home, be prepared to provide commonly requested items, such as extra towels and sheets. It’s also helpful to stock up on toilet paper and pantry items like salt, black pepper, and other cooking essentials. 

      Get more ideas from Host Elsie of Nashville, Tennessee, who shares how she creates a family-friendly space:

      Tip: You can also never have too many cleaning supplies—especially paper towels, disinfectant wipes, and stain remover—or be over-prepared for longer stays.

      Make sure guests know what you offer

      After you’ve gone through these steps of getting your space ready for families, it’s time to showcase your space by refreshing your listing details and updating your amenities.

      • Having an up-to-date listing title and description can help you attract the right type of travellers—and set clear expectations
      • Guests who’ll be travelling with children can use search filters to narrow down their options, so you’ll want to remember to also update your amenities. (If you have more than one listing, you can make updates to your amenities across all of your spaces from the Listings page.) A crib and a high chair are must-have amenities for guests with infants.
      • Include amenities like air conditioning, a washer/dryer, and a kitchen if your space has them
      • If you offer a washer, mention whether you provide laundry detergent and if there are any additional charges
      • Tubs make bathing children easier—be sure to mention if you have a bathtub in your listing, and include a photo in your image gallery
      • Double-check that your photos convey everything that you’ve described. Check out our step-by-step photography tutorial to learn how to highlight all the ways you’re meeting travellers’ needs right now.

      While getting your space ready to welcome families with children may take some extra work, adding these thoughtful amenities is one of the best ways to delight all of your guests.

      Information contained in this article may have changed since publication.

      AirCover for Hosts’ Host damage protection, Host liability insurance, and Experiences liability insurance don’t cover Hosts who offer stays or Experiences in Japan, where Japan Host Insurance, and Japan Experience Protection Insurance apply, or Hosts who offer stays through Airbnb Travel LLC. For Hosts who offer stays or Experiences in mainland China, the China Host Protection Plan applies. Keep in mind that all coverage limits are shown in USD.

      Host liability insurance and Experiences liability insurance are underwritten by third-party insurers. If you’re hosting in the UK, the Host liability insurance and Experiences liability insurance policies are underwritten by Zurich Insurance Company Ltd., and arranged and concluded at no additional cost for UK Hosts by Airbnb UK Services Limited, an appointed representative of Aon UK Limited, which is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Aon’s FCA register number is 310451. You can check this by visiting the Financial Services Register or contacting the FCA at 0800 111 6768. The Host liability and Experiences liability policies within AirCover for Hosts are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The remaining products and services are not regulated products arranged by Airbnb UK Services Limited. FPAFF405LC

      Host damage protection isn’t insurance and isn’t related to Host liability insurance. Under Host damage protection, you’re reimbursed for certain damages caused by guests to your home and belongings if the guest does not pay for those damages. For listings in Washington state, Airbnb’s contractual obligations under Host damage protection are covered by an insurance policy purchased by Airbnb. For Hosts whose country of residence or establishment is outside of Australia, these Host Damage Protection Terms apply. For Hosts whose country of residence or establishment is within Australia, Host damage protection is subject to the Host Damage Protection Terms for Australian Users.


      • Preparing your space for families can help increase bookings

      • Update your listing to mention that your space is family-friendly, and include photos

        • Include amenities like a portable crib and high chair

        • Learn what Airbnb support is available if there's an issue

        Jul 21, 2020
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