How to attract 5-star reviews

Great reviews can help you impress your guests and get more bookings.
By Airbnb on Dec. 17, 2020
5 min video
Updated Sep. 27, 2023

Reviews can help you fine-tune your listing, show up higher in search results, and qualify for Superhost status. So it’s only natural that you’d want to strive to get five stars every time someone stays with you.

Since Superhosts maintain a rating of 4.8 or higher, they know a thing or two about getting five-star reviews. In our video above, we talked to Catherine and Bryan, Superhosts in Columbus, Ohio, who told us their top tips for getting great reviews.

    Set expectations

    “One of the most effective ways to ensure guests are satisfied with their experience is to set expectations before they press the ‘book’ button,” Catherine says. “We like to give as much information on our listing page as we can, even if it’s like, ‘The house is over 100 years old, so we’ve got squeaky doors.’”

    Be a rapid responder

    “People are usually staying at your home for a short amount of time, so it’s super important to be responsive when things come up,” Catherine says. It’s easy to install the Airbnb app on your smartphone, so you can respond to guests on the go.

    Make it theirs

    “When it comes to your decor and space, the most important thing is that guests feel like it’s theirs,” Catherine says. “Clear out all your personal photos and junk.” This is all about ensuring guests feel comfortable, though it’s always a good idea to add special touches to make the space feel warm.

    Being thoughtful about your decor can also help guests feel welcome. “That doesn’t mean you need to go out and redo your whole kitchen,” Bryan adds. “Your environment just needs to feel comfortable, nice, open, and clean.”

    Add local flavour

    “When people come and stay with you, you’re not just sharing your home—you’re also sharing your city,” Catherine says. She and Bryan share locally made shampoo, conditioner, and face wash with guests, as well as a set of artists’ books by an entrepreneur in the area. “We love sharing Columbus through our eyes,” Catherine says.

    Prepare for the unexpected

    “Despite your best efforts to be a five-star Host, something is inevitably going to go wrong at some point,” Catherine says. Bryan agrees, adding: “We had a situation where a pipe burst, and it flooded the entire first floor.”

    Their guests, who were celebrating their wedding night, couldn’t get in touch with them. “After that experience, we ended up getting a Co-Host, so that if we ever miss a call from a guest again, someone else has it covered,” Catherine says.

    No matter what kind of place you’re offering on Airbnb, guest reviews can be helpful and affirming. “When someone leaves us a great review, it just validates everything that we’re doing and makes it all worth it,” Catherine says. “It’s helped us create a life that we love.”

    Discover more in our complete beginner’s video guide

    Information contained in this article may have changed since publication.

    Dec. 17, 2020
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