What happens when guests cancel or change a booking?

Here’s what to expect with your payout when trip plans change.
By Airbnb on Jul. 19, 2021
3-min read
Updated Aug. 24, 2022


  • If a guest cancels a booking, your cancellation policy applies

  • If you approve a change in a guest’s booking, you’ll be paid 24 hours after their new check-in time

  • Choose which cancellation policy works for you

Life is uncertain, and guests sometimes have to cancel or change their reservations. You may still receive payment—or what we call a payout—even if a guest cancels, depending on your cancellation policy and how far in advance guests cancel.

Here’s exactly what to expect if your guests cancel or change their booking, or if they request a partial refund.

When a guest cancels their reservation

If a guest cancels their booking, your cancellation policy applies. If you're owed a payout, the money will typically be sent to you 24 hours after your guest's scheduled check-in time.

For example, if you have a firm cancellation policy, and your guest cancels fewer than seven days before check-in, you’ll be paid 100% of your nightly price for all nights, minus any taxes and fees. We’ll send this 24 hours after your guest’s scheduled check-in time. You won’t receive a cleaning, pet, or extra guest fee if your guest doesn’t check in.

You’ll always be able to find a record of any payouts or adjustments in your transaction history.

Learn more about how you get paid

When a guest changes their reservation

If a guest alters their booking, we’ll typically send payment 24 hours after their new check-in time. If you’re hosting longer stays, you’ll receive a monthly payout for these reservations.

For example, if you approve a change request for a guest to come for 10 days in August instead of 10 days in June, and they change with enough time that your cancellation policy doesn’t apply, we’ll send your payout 24 hours after your guest’s new check-in time.

If a guest changes their reservation while they’re at your place, your future payouts may be affected.

For example, if a guest checks in to your place for a 20-day reservation, we’d send your payout 24 hours after their check-in time. But if they have to cancel and leave on day 10, and you have a flexible cancellation policy, you’d be entitled to payment for each night they stay, plus one additional night.

In this case, since you would’ve already received your full payout, your future payouts will be adjusted to cover the cost of the partial refund.

When a guest requests a refund

If a guest checks in to your place expecting an amenity, but it’s missing or broken, they might ask for a partial refund. For example, if your hot tub is unexpectedly broken, and it’s a main feature of your villa, your guest may contact you to request a partial refund.

For this example as well, if you agree to a partial refund, your future payouts will be adjusted to cover the cost of the partial refund, since you would’ve already received your full payout. You may also reimburse guests through the Resolution Centre. If you send payment that way, your future payouts wouldn’t be affected.

Protecting yourself from cancellations

Of course, you can’t control whether a guest has to cancel or change their reservation. But you can be sure you’re comfortable with your settings by reading more about our guest cancellation policies and choosing the right one for you.

It’s also a great idea to do regular maintenance and communicate with guests at important moments, so you can be confident that your place will be ready to welcome guests—and you’ll be able to help if anything goes wrong.

Information contained in this article may have changed since publication.


  • If a guest cancels a booking, your cancellation policy applies

  • If you approve a change in a guest’s booking, you’ll be paid 24 hours after their new check-in time

  • Choose which cancellation policy works for you

Jul. 19, 2021
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